Changing account information

Keeping your personal information up to date is essential for a seamless and secure experience at Babbel. Whether you need to update your name, email, country, or password, you can easily make these changes in your account settings.

Currently, personal information can only be changed through the Babbel desktop version. This function is not available in the Babbel mobile app.

Accessing your account settings

To access your account settings, follow these steps:

  1. Visit and log in to your Babbel account.
  2. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select Profile and settings.

Updating your name

To update your name, go to your account settings and:

  1. Choose the Profile tab on the left side.
  2. Enter your new display name, first name, or last name.
  3. Click Save profile.

Your updated name will be used for your future invoices, certificates, and across all Babbel platforms, ensuring consistency in your experience. Keep in mind that this change will not affect invoices or certificates that have already been created.

Updating your country

To edit your country information, go to your account settings and:

  1. Choose the Profile tab on the left side.
  2. Update your country.
  3. Click Save profile.

Due to tax regulations, you can only update your country if you do not have an active subscription on your account. Additionally, changing your country may affect the currency used for purchasing subscriptions.

Changing your email or password

If you want to set up a different email or password for your account, go to your account settings and:

  1. Choose the Manage Access tab on the left side.
  2. Select the option to change your email or password.
  3. Enter your new email or password.
  4. Confirm the changes by entering your current password.

Once you’ve changed your password, you can log in to both the Babbel app and website using your new credentials. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can find instructions on how to reset it here.

Changing your payment method

If you want to update your payment method, go to your account settings and:

  1. Choose the Account Information tab on the left side.
  2. Click on Change payment method.
  3. Provide the new information and click on Save details.

You can change your payment method only if you have an active subscription. If your subscription has already been canceled you can purchase a new one and enter the updated payment information before finalizing the transaction.

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