Babbel offers you the opportunity to try our language learning platform free of charge. To get the most out of our platform, you'll need to pay, because our learning model is designed by experts and runs ad-free to give you the best learning environment.
Can I use Babbel for free?
Yes, you can! Registering with Babbel is completely free, and the first lesson of every course is free to try. Depending on the language you choose, that's 30-80 free lessons! This allows you to interact with our product, see how our lessons are structured, and view our course topics before deciding to subscribe.
If you want full access to Babbel's courses, simply check out our different subscription plans and choose the one that works best for you.
Why do I have to pay for Babbel?
We understand that it can be difficult to want to pay for something when there's a free alternative. For Babbel, charging for access to our learning content is as much about our values as it is about our bottom line. Here's why:
Our courses are created by experts
At Babbel, our courses are created by a team of over 150 experts, including linguists, teachers, instructional designers, editors, and researchers. These professionals tailor courses to people who speak your native language, ensuring an effective learning experience. When you pay for a Babbel subscription, you're paying for their expertise and the high-quality content they create. -
Ads don't help you learn
We believe that when you're learning a language, your focus should be on remembering and using what you've learned. Advertising distracts you and prevents you from learning in the most effective way. That's why Babbel has no ads. -
We don't sell your data
Our goal is to help you speak a language. That's why we never sell your information to third parties and only keep what's necessary to track your progress. Your data is yours.