We all know that learning with someone special can make the experience even more enjoyable and rewarding. Find out below how you can learn with your loved ones with Babbel.

Do you offer a family plan for Babbel courses?

Babbel does not currently offer a family plan. Each family member must have an individual subscription with a separate Babbel account.

Can I share an account with other people?

Although it is technically possible to share an account, it is not recommended. This is because tracking individual progress and vocabulary becomes inaccurate and you will both be following the same learning path.

Babbel for Two

The Babbel for Two subscription is an option for two users. It gives individual access to all available languages under two different accounts. This allows both people to learn at their own pace and choose different languages if they wish.

You can find the Babbel for Two offer here. Once you have made your purchase, you will receive a voucher code by email that you can give to another person so that you can both have separate accounts.

Babbel as a gift

In case you want to grant your family members access to language learning, we also offer Babbel as a gift. This gives you the possibility to buy access to one or all languages, and gift it to someone else. You can find more information about gifts here, or purchase directly at babbel.gifts.

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